The Portal Collective
An online kundalini yoga & breathwork membership with Victoria Nielsen
For the woman who wants uncover who she really is.
The Portal Collective is an online Kundalini + Breathwork Membership program to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice. It’s a place to dream, grow, and take time for you.
Every day is an opportunity to journey to the core of your deepest self.
When we listen to and trust our intuition, our whole life changes. When we understand and know our own selves, wants, and desires, life becomes a playground of fun for you to expand what’s possible.
When we come to realize we are guided by something much higher than ourselves, and that we’ll always be supported and taken care of, anxiety and fear-based thinking falls away.
What Portal Collective members have to say…
Inside the Collective
You’ll find new on-demand classes in your member portal each month that are specifically curated to support and inspire you.
No matter where you’re at in this journey called life, you’ll find a breathwork or meditation to help you move through your emotions + experiences with ease.
Each month, we’ll explore a new theme that supports the collective energy, allowing you to activate your inner guidance system with kriyas, breathing exercises, journal prompts, playlists, and more.
If you’re willing, this practice has the power to transform your entire life in just minutes a day if you consistently show up for yourself and commit to doing the inner work daily.
Monthly Meditation Aligned with the Collective Energy To Support Your Nervous System
Journal Prompts & Playlists
Exclusive Member Only Discounts
An On-Demand Library of Dozens of Videos
Kundalini is the yoga of awareness. A kriya is a complete action that combines mantras (sound current), with movement, and mudras (hand placements) to activate higher states of consciousness.
Pranayama, the practice of controlling and moving the breath through the body, activates our life force energy and allows us to reach euphoric states of consciousness.
Fitting your daily practice into your schedule doesn't have to be hard. These short, impactful videos allow you to tune in and then get on with your day from a more intuitive place.

Only you can show up for yourself every day.
Make the most of your experience
Monthly Practice
These kundalini kriyas become more potent over time. Traditionally practiced for 40 days, you can journey deeper inward when you stay consistent with the same meditation. Even when your energy, and mood fluctuates, the practice stays the same, allowing you to really see your patterns and behaviors from a new perspective.
Access All Classes During the Duration of Your Membership
Really connected with a specific class even though we’ve moved to a new theme? No worries! You can go back and practice any of these kriyas and meditations again and again. You can combine, mix-and-match, and use these videos to your hearts content. They’re now part of your magic tool box, and you are the oracle who knows your own energy and body best.
Journal Prompts
Each monthly class is accompanied by a journal prompt for even greater clarity and depth. You can return to the same prompt at the end of the month and see how your thoughts have differed after practicing for 30 days. These will be delivered via email and can also be accessed via your membership portal.
Playlists, Affirmations & More
This work doesn’t have to be boring, and it can — and should — infiltrate all aspects of your life in a good way. Listen to a playlist during your practice, or just at your desk working. Keep the good vibes going even when you aren’t on your mat or when you need a quick return to yourself during a hectic day.